Feed me in my dreams

Eat this

1. Please, if You are the one that gave me food to eat in my dream last night please reduce the pepper this night.

Thank you.


2. To regain your virginity

Dial *#246*How many times u have done it#

Example: *246*1,000,000#

3. When U are in love,

Wonders happen.

Bt once U get married,


U Wonder, what happened.

4. Up till now, I still don’t know if sugar cane is a fruit, vegetable, grass or soft drink

5. Are u a graduate with 2.1?

Do u have at least one year experience?

Do u live within or around akure?

Do u have good interpersonal relations ability?



Please help me beg the Electric Power Agency to bring light.

6. People born in May don’t always keep to their promises. They always be like… I May do it and I May not


7.  Remember when you promised yourself that no man will touch you till you get married? Look at u now. You’re even a side chick.

8.  FIRST BANK, ECO BANK, GT BANK and even REEKADO BANKS are not as important as POWER BANK in 9ja

9. Rain has made all the roads So slippery, that I may even fall into

Someone’s relationship Accidentally

10. The smell of some women weavon inside public transport is enough motivation to buy my own car!!!

I nearly died

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