Lagos Police Command

Lagos Police Command Numbers

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  • Post category:Security

Dear Friends,

at about 3am last night, I received a distress call from my cousin living at Ago Palace Way, Lagos to say that armed robbers were in the compound attacking their neighbour downstairs. It could be their turn next.

Thankfully, I had saved the Lagos Police Command numbers that my Security Team had provided.

I called the police command center, they confirmed my auntie’s house address and within five minutes the local police patrol mobilized to the scene and successfully dislodged the armed robbers.

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I called the command back to thank them for their swift response which saved the day. The command kindly requested that I should please assist to spread the news that the command works!

This is me fulfilling that promise.

Here are the numbers

Lagos Police Command numbers

0901 051 2287

0901 051 2288

0901 051 2286

0901 051 2285

Please I beg you, kindly save the numbers in your phone. It could save a life

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