Improve Your Thoughts to Improve Your Life

Choose your thoughts

“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” James Allen

If you want to improve your life, the first thing you have to do is improve your thoughts. Your thoughts create your reality so you better have them under control!

By controlling your thoughts, ultimately you control your life and your destiny. So observe your thoughts every now and then. Peace Pilgrim‘s quote “If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” says it all: don’t get stuck in negative thoughts. Replace them with positive thoughts such as “everything is going to be all right” every single time they come up.

Think positive! A positively thinking person is not a dreamer, who thinks there are no problems in life. Instead he or she recognizes that problems are opportunities to grow, and knows that they only have the meaning that they are given. Positive thinking is to see reality as it is, accept it, and make the best of it.

Don’t let your thoughts dominate you, instead dominate your thoughts and control their quality. Train your mind to concentrate only on positive, creative, and inspiring thoughts.

If you train your mind like this for a while you will see that the circumstances of your life change too. You are the creator of your thoughts, but you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are energy and the energy follows the thought. Thoughts create emotions, which create behavior, which create actions, and those actions have consequences in your daily life.


Your thoughts depend on your beliefs about life. If you don’t like what you are receiving then have a look at what you are sending! Everything that is in your life has been created by your thoughts, expectations, and beliefs. So analyze them!

If you change your beliefs, you will get new results!Practice a thought often enough so that it becomes a belief, and your behavior and actions will follow its lead. For instance, if you constantly worry about not having enough money, you’ll create behaviors based on fear. You’ll play smaller. You’ll try to hang on to the money you have versus playing to win.

Action Step:

Try to have no negative thoughts for 48 hours. Block them from the first moment and substitute them with positive thoughts of love, peace, and compassion. Even if it seems difficult at the beginning, hang in there. It gets easier. Then try this for 5 days, and finally a week. What has changed in your life since you started thinking positively?

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