
Local Scholarships for College Students

It is typical for people to find local scholarships in their home regions. Information on these can be found by asking local institutions and organizations. Typically, these are less competitive as the eligible population is smaller.

Guidance counsellors: When starting to explore scholarship opportunities, most high school students check with their guidance counsellors. They can be a reliable source of information regarding local scholarships.

Non-profits and charitable trusts: Most non-profit organizations have at some point of their history founded scholarships for prospective students. The Good Schools Guide, a guide to schools in the UK, states “Charitable grant-making trusts can help in cases of genuine need,” and goes on to outline several instances where this may be the case, including an “unforeseen family disaster” and a “need for special education”“.

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Community foundations: Many counties and cities and regions have a local foundation dedicated to giving money in the form of grants and scholarships to people and organizations in the area.

Music teachers: Some music teachers offer reduced-cost or free lessons to help low-income children gain access to an arts education. In addition, some local non-profits provide free music classes to youths.

Foundations: Certain foundations in the United States and all over the world offer scholarships for entrepreneurial endeavours.
Labor/trade unions: Major unions often offer scholarships for members and their dependent children.

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Houses of worship: The local house of worship may or may not have any scholarships for its members, but the religious organization or headquarters may have some available. Theology study is highly encouraged.

Foundations: Reputable foundations formed by different individuals, companies or organisations can fund a scholarship as a means of reaching out to people

Chamber of commerce: Many chambers of commerce offer (usually small) grants to students in the community, especially those planning on careers in business and public service. Even if they do not offer any themselves, one can usually get a listing of members, and many of them may offer small scholarships to local students.

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Other volunteer organizations: Many organizations offer scholarships or award grants to students whose background or chosen field overlaps the field of the organization. For example, local chapters of professional societies may help the studies of exceptionally distinguished students of the region. Similarly, charity organizations may offer help, especially if the late parent of the student was a member of the organization (e.g., a Masonic lodge might help the orphan of a lodge brother.) This kind of scholarship is mostly ad hoc.

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School: Old, well-known schools are often endowed with scholarship funds.
University: Old, well-established universities may have funds to finance the studies of extremely talented students of little means. Eligibility often requires that a student belong to some special category or be among a nation’s best. However, universities provide information on scholarships and grants, possibly even internship opportunities.

PSAT/NMSQT: In the United States, students are offered the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT test, usually in their junior year of high school. National Merit Scholarship programs are initially determined by the scores received on the PSAT/NMSQT test. Some private scholarship programs require applicants to take the PSAT. The test can be used as preparation for the SAT.

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Enrichment centres: In certain countries, enrichment centres have begun to provide scholarships.

Disabilities: Students with disabilities may be able to apply for awards intended for people with disabilities. Those scholarships may be intended for disabled students in general, or in relation to a specific disability.

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