
Make Your Way to College through College Freshman Scholarship

So you are already a graduate of secondary education, of course, the mark of happiness and fulfilment can still be traced on your face. However, you need to accept the fact that entering the portals of college is not as easy as you may think it is.

Preparation for college requires lots of effort to the point of giving you loads of stress if you will not be able to distinguish the best strategies to take.

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First, you will be selecting the course that you want to take, you need to meet the hassles in taking the entrance examinations, the perplexity in choosing which school you would like to attend, not just that, you still have to consider its standards.

But the greatest stress is rooted in the expenses that you will need to be able to take the course that you want and to be able to enter the institution with a good standard of teaching. You have to consider before anything else your parent’s capacity to pay for your education.

Free College Money from Scholarship and Grants

But don’t fret if you think money will be a hindrance in pursuing your college education. Several types of scholarships are being offered to assist financially unprivileged students. There are several public and private organizations, federal and state, college and university, that offer scholarships in different forms.

Chiefly, scholarship is a form of monetary gift which is awarded and is founded on academic merits. For this reason, the eligibility of the student definitely matters.


There is a Freshman Honor Scholarship, which is funded by organizations that grant scholarships to those students who are by far excelling in the class and were able to gain honours. The requirements may come in a separate application form, while there are others that do not.

There is also a Presidential Scholarship, the majority of its beneficiaries are incoming honours college students. Likewise, the valedictorians and salutatorians of accredited high schools may be able to receive this scholarship.

Augmenting Information on College Scholarship

Meanwhile, the Presidential Scholarship is renewable for eight semesters, depending on the result of the annual review. This covers 50 per cent of in-state or out-of-state tuition, although this does not comprise the fees. Likewise, this specification covers the entire tuition/fees including room and board.

The sole requirement for this scholarship is a minimum 3.0 GPA a student must maintain. No more application is necessary.

Meanwhile, the students who weren’t accepted in the Freshman Honor Scholarship may take their chances on the Presidential Scholarship. Unlike the former, the Presidential Scholarship select the scholars by the committee and is founded not solely on academic ability, but also on creativity, character, and impending for leadership.

College Scholarship: The Benefits and Why People Try Getting One

Those students who qualify in Freshman Honor College will be sent the materials for the application. The process of application only evolves in a written application, then the on-campus conversation follows with the program’s director or a committees’ representative, and the last, a spontaneous essay.

The entire applicants’ are responsible for submitting the complete applications to the program’s director. The deadline is set on the mid of January. The nominations from the school will not be received as well as the applications.

Marshall Scholarship

The finalists of this scholarship will be given notice on or before the 31st of January to schedule an on-campus visit. The interviews must be accomplished by March 1.

These are only some of the available scholarships being offered for an incoming freshman in college. There are still several of these, you can try to visit other sites to have thorough knowledge about them.

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