Why Lagos State Declares A Whole Week Mid-Term Break For Schools


(Written By Itunuoluwa A.O)

The Lagos State Compulsory One Week Midterm Break was made compulsory the first time for all private and public day school during the month of November 2021.

Another one is coming up next week(24th-28th October) and I’ve been approached by several School Owners and Educators asking for the reason it is made so.

The following are the reasons behind the declaration of one week midterm in Lagos State (Based on My Recommendation And Research)

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Schools are expected to build teachers capacity during this one week break  through various Educational and Developmental Programmes and workshops either online or onsite(a day or two could be selected for this).

This will enrich and improve teachers performance, effectiveness and efficiency as training and retraining is key to professional development in the 21st century.

School Owners are as well expected to train and retrain themselves in order to remain competitive and relevant in the educational sector. This break can also be used to fix or put some relevant things in place  online with the Office Of Education Quality Assurance so as to create a better version of the school before the term runs out.

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School Administrators are expected to perfect all school records during this break and also to plan better or make strategies for any school event that might hold after this break.

parents/guardians are expected to utilise the mid-term break by engaging their children/wards productively, as well as spending meaningful time with them to boost a cordial relationship that would foster a peaceful society.

This is also a reflection time for school owners, administrators and teachers. This will unlock more potentials in them.

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Finally, School Owners, School Administrators and Teachers are expected to rest well during this break and if possible go for a medical checkup to keep fit.

This is very important because you can only deliver when you’re of sound mind and good health. Likewise, nothing can be compared to good health.

Other Health Routine That Helps

Deworm yourself if done for over three months.

Engage in water therapy (Google for more tips).

RELATED INFO:   Special Educational And Training For Adult Dyslexics

Engage in Fruit Therapy (Google for more tips)

Visit a Primary Health Centre or any hospital of your choice to run some major test like BP, sugar level, malaria and typhoid, PCV, etal and get any positive result treated.

Use a probiotic vitamins on regular basis for immune boosting and general health improvement to reduce the effect of stress.

Work on having a balanced diet meal plan for yourself and family.

Feed your soul by dwelling richly in God’s words.

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Have enough rest

I will leave you with a quote by Laura Bush “There Is A Very Close Tie Between Good Health And Education”

I Trust This Will Be Of Great Help

©️ Itunuoluwa A.O

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